My book is UGLIES from the uglies trilogy. UGLIES is really good on my point of view. UGLIES talks about an imaginary future where people are seperated into groups like the uglies and the pretties. UGLIES are the people that haven't turned pretty yet and when they become 16yrs. old they have an operation that makes them pretty. PRETTIES are the leaders of the town just because their pretty. PRETTIES get special stuff and special treatment.But in the whole thing theres these 2 girls named Tally and Shay that become best of friends and in this book Tally finds out that Shay has been sneaking out of ugly town to see this boy named David who takes her to where he lives and tells her that the operation they take is a bad operation. So later Shay decides that shes going to go live with David and his family so she doesn't have to take the operation. When she tells Tally her plan Tally doesn't want to go but later decide to do it anyway. Well i dont want to say everything that happens so you'll have to read it yourself!!
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