By. Joseph Delaney
This book is a very good book it is the 5th book in the Last Apprentice series. A boy named Thomas Ward has been in training as a spook for 2 years now. he learned much how to fight boggarts, witches, and many other things that go bump in the night. After training with John Gregory ( Toms trainer/master) he goes to see Bill Arkwright ( former student of John Gregory), Bill is a spook who guards the upper part of the county (which is marshland) . He is very skilled with staffs and swimming. Tom goes to learn from him for a couple months but an ancient evil appears as he trains, it is a water witch named bloodeye or also known as Morwena she is the daughter of the devil aslo known the fiend. There adventure takes them to hunt her down and kill her. Morwena is after tom because the fiend told her to, Tom holds a greate threat to the dark and the fiend wants him dead. Morwena is known as bloodeye because she has a piece of bone that closes one of her eyes shut and if she removes it and you look into you are under a spell of parlyses and once youre under she will come and dig her claws into and kill you. As tom and Bill hunt for her they stay at a Inn on the lake. Bill, gets drunk while trying to look for her near the lake with tom and finds himself unable to move because hes drunk. Tom goes to look for her alone but not to fight just report back to Bill. But, tom has no success finding her but when he returns to Bill he finds a muddy trail as it looks as someones been dragged through the mud. Tom immediately finds what what happened Morwena found Bill and dragged him into the lake. Tom, desperate to get help goes to find the John Gregory but as he gets halfway between were he was staying and back to Johns house he finds John on the bridge saying he got a letter saying he needs urgent help. But Tom did not send it. Tom explains the John what had happened and John figured that the fiend gave him the letter in order to set a trap. When Tom and John travel throught the barge back to Bills house they get stopped by the fiend and he threatens to kill John if Tom didnt do what the fiend wanted him to. Tom refused and the fiend dissapeared so they set out to find Bill they get info that hes still alive from a fortune teller, the fortune teller tells them that Bills still alive and is trapped in a cave on a remote island off the beach. They head to the island to find Bill and once they find him they returned back to Bills house and set off the find Morwena, but, just as there about to leave the fiend stopped time for everyone except for tom and he treatened to kill everyone if he didnt go out and fight Morwena alone. Tom agreed to do it. As he set out to find her he meets up with and old enemy, Grimalkin, who is a witch assasin. But, she sides with Tom to kill Morwena. They see a whole bunch of water witches comming out of the marsh (they are morwena servants). As they start taking out the water witches Grimalkin gets cought in Morwena bloodeye and tom takes his silver chain and captures her just before morwena killed Grimalkin. Tom and his friends were safe and he and the spook headed back home.
Picture from http://www.amazon.com/
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