Author: J. K. Rowling
Reviewer: Brady
Summary: A young 13-year-old wizard named Harry Potter is going off to his third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As he arrived at Hogwarts, he heard that the infamous murderer named Sirius Black as escaped from the wizard jail of Azkaban and was seeking revenge on Harry from the unfinished business of killing Harry’s parents. Sirius gave information of the Potters’ whereabouts to the most powerful dark wizard named Voldemort. As Harry very much wanted to go to the village of Hogsmeade for a school fieldtrip, but he didn’t have the permission form signed, so we found a secret tunnel that leads into the center of the village’s candy store using the Marauder’s map. Has he and his two best friends, Ron and Hermione, were sitting in the pub, teachers walked in and he overheard that Black was Harry’s godfather. While they were walking back from what they thought was Buckbeak’s, a hippogriff, execution, they were attacked by Sirius Black and dragged Ron holding his pet rat named Scabbers through a tunnel under the magical tree called the Whopping Willow into The Shrieking Shack. But the others realized as Professor Lupin came in and explained that Black was framed by Ron’s rat. It turns out that Ron’s rat was actually Peter Pettigrew! As they captured him and was taking Peter back to the castle, it turns out that Lupin was actually a warewolf. In all the commotion, Peter was able to escape. With Black’s name not cleared he had to into hiding. With escaping on Buckbeak and going into hiding, he was able to be undetected.
Picture from http://www.amazon.com/
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