Monday, February 8, 2010

Chasing Vemeer

Title- Chasing Vemeer
Author- Blue Balliett
Reviewer- Rachael
Chasing Vermeer is about two 6th graders, Petra Andalee and Calder Pillay, whos' teacher, Isabel Hussey, get's them interested in art and soon they become good friends. However stange things start to happen: Petra finds a bizzare letter floating around. Mrs. Hussey is acting strangly. Calder's old friend Tommy Segovia's neighbor goes missing. Then, out of the blue, a famous painting A Lady Writing ( done by Johannes Vermeer ) is stolen. Petra and Calder are soon caught up in the search for A Lady Writing. I'd reccomend this book for anyone who lacks confidence or loves adventure. This book is about true friendship and finding yourself in what you love.

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